Our mission is to expand knowledge and interest in pathology and its associated subspecialties. Path SIG is led by medical students with primary faculty mentorship from Dr. Raj Ramsamooj with additional guidance from Dr. Guy DiSibio and other pathology physicians. Via our seminars, skill-building workshops, and other activities, Path SIG hopes to increase awareness of various pathology subspecialties and provide further mentorship for students considering a career in this exciting field.
Goals and objectives for 2023-2024:
Host a speaker event with Dr. Jason Tovar, a forensic pathologist who worked on the Cecil Hotel mystery case.
Hold a speaker event with a pathology resident.
President: Sugam Badhan
Vice President: Ritu Gaikwad
Treasurer: Soham Kondle
Secretary: Shaheryar Asad
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rajendra Ramsamooj